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How to Grow

Keep the veggie harvest going in Fall with these veggies; spinach, radishes, arugula, swiss chard, lettuce and Asian greens.

6 Quick Growing Veggies You Can Still Plant In September For A Fall Harvest

by on September 19, 2024
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I’m always looking for ways to extend my short growing season. I’ve learned one of the easiest ways to do so is to just keep planting. Seriously. Never stop planting! That’s the only way to grow more of your own groceries. And continuing to plant well into September is part of that strategy.

This post covers 6 quick growing veggies you can still plant in September for a Fall harvest. This post is intended for my Northern gardeners, living in a Zone 2-4. If you’re in a warmer zone than that, you can likely plant even more than what’s included on this list. Things like beets, carrots, brassicas and more!

But regardless of where you live and are reading this from, please do remember that you can also “hack” your grow zone by using tools like row covers or a greenhouse.

I refuse to let my grow zone define what I can grow, and I encourage you to do the same!

Okay, now let’s get to this list!

If you’ve had success growing something else in a short growing season that you don’t see here, please drop it in the comments. I answer all comments and love hearing from you.

6 Of The Fastest Growing Crops To Plant In September In Zone 3

1. Radishes

Radishes are one of the fastest-growing root vegetables, making them ideal for a quick fall harvest. I love planting them in my raised beds in September and find they actually taste a lot fresher and crisper when grown in cool temperatures.

Most varieties mature in as little as 25-30 days. I’ve had the best luck with Easter Egg Blend Radishesm but there’s so many unique varieties out there for you to try, like these Wasabi Radishes!

Be sure to water your radishes consistently in the Fall, though temperatures are cooler you will only have good germination rates if soil is consistently wet.

2. Spinach

Spinach is easily my fav fast growing green! I always grow a bed of spinach in September here in my Zone 3 garden because it’s a cool-season crop that loves the mild temperatures of Fall.

I really like growing this variety called Renegade as it produces massive spinach leaves.

In fact, spinach prefers cooler weather and may bolt (go to seed) too quickly if grown in the heat of summer. Direct sowing spinach in September gives it plenty of time to mature before frost hits.

Tips for Success: Plant spinach seeds about 1/2 inch deep. I never worry too much about spacing with spinach seeds and find it doesn’t affect yield if sown close together. Keep the soil moist but not soggy to encourage quick germination and growth.

3. Lettuce

Lettuce is another leafy green that thrives in cooler temperatures and can be harvested quickly, often within 30-45 days. I often sow a bed of lettuce both in my garden and greenhouse in September so that I can have harvests even after the temperatures go to freezing.

You can choose from a variety of lettuces, including romaine, butterhead or my personal favourite salad bowl lettuce. I love it because I find it doesn’t go bitter.

For a continuous harvest, consider planting lettuce seeds every 1-2 weeks in September.

Tips for Success: For a simple, fast & casual sow – just sprinkle seeds across beds. Don’t worry too much about spacing! You can thin as needed if seedlings are too close together.

4. Arugula

Arugula, also known as rocket, is a peppery green that grows quickly in cooler weather, making it a perfect candidate for Fall planting. You can start harvesting arugula leaves as soon as 20-30 days after planting, making it one of the fastest crops for a Fall garden!

My main issue with growing arugula in the Fall is that I often find it doesn’t mature fully if the temperatures begin to dip. Arugula does like sunshine in the Fall, so be sure to put it in a spot that can enjoy the late afternoon heat.

Tips for Success: Sow arugula seeds thinly in rows about 1/4 inch deep. Harvest leaves when they’re young for the best flavour!

5. Swiss Chard

I have fallen completely in love with growing Swiss Chard in the Fall for a few reasons. The main reason being that it can withstand cold temperatures and will continue to grow even if night time temps go to light freezing. I also love sautéing it with eggs in the morning and starting my day off with garden greens. Just the best!

This Fall I planted a variety called Fordhook Giant, and true to its name it has been producing massive leaves!

Tips for Success: Sow chard seeds about 1/2 inch deep and 6-8 inches apart. Swiss chard grows best in full sun but can tolerate partial shade. Keep the soil evenly moist for fast growth.

6. Bok Choy

Bok choy, also known as Chinese cabbage, is a fast-growing vegetable that can be harvested in as little as 30 days. You can really grow any type of Asian green in Zone 3-4 in September. But it’s best to choose one that has a similar time to maturity as bok choy so that you can harvest before a hard frost comes.

Bok choy thrives in cool weather, making September an ideal time to plant it.

Tips for Success: Sow bok choy seeds about 1/4 inch deep and 6 inches apart. Plant in a full sun area so it can benefit from the late afternoon Fall sunshine. Like all other Fall crops, keep the soil moist to encourage quick germination and growth.

And there you have it!

Those are 6 veggies you can plant in September in Zone 3-4 for a Fall harvest!

There’s even more that could be added to this list, including turnips and cilantro. So if you have something you’ve grown and had success with in September, please comment below! I love hearing from you.

You can also follow me on Tik Tok and Pinterest for more organic gardening content.

Happy fall gardening, my friends!

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